Kimi Uso Episode 22 (Final) Screenshots

Seasons continue to change, whether we like it or not. It’s up to us to continue moving forward in life. A beautiful ending to a beautiful series, Your Lie In April will go down in my top 10 list. It would have been nice to see where their lives take them, but perhaps that’s better left to your imagination, or saved for another story. You can check out my full review on the episode and the anime here.

Baby-Kaori Continue reading

Kimi Uso Episode 21 Screenshots

With all the signs last episode, I was almost certain that Kaori would bite the dust. She’s definitely a trooper, refusing to give up. Kousei has matured a lot throughout the series, and now it’s time for him to play his greatest masterpiece.

Kaori-I-Choose-You Continue reading

Kimi Uso Episode 16 Screenshots

Another beautiful episode. It felt like a slice of life, but there was a ton of character development this episode. Nagi just misses her brother and wants to be part of his life again. At this point, I can’t even say Kaori is raising death flags because it seems pretty obvious at this point!

Kaori Breaking Down Hospital

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Kimi Uso Episode 15 Screenshots

Why can’t everyone just be happy? I definitely don’t recall my middle school days being filled with so much suffering. Either way, there were a lot of touching moments this episode. Tsubaki’s break up, Kousei comforting her, and Kaori’s breakdown at the end all struck a chord with me.

Kaori Breakdown

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Kimi Uso Episode 14 Screenshots

No fancy piano playing this week, but man was it a beautiful episode. Basically everyone in this series is suffering with this messy love triangle/square. Everyone has feelings for each other, but can’t really intervene. On the bright side though, Kousei has really grown as a person since the earlier episodes, and is starting to look happy.

Baby Tsubaki

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