Summer 2014 Anime Screencaps

To wrap up the summer anime season, I did one big post to summarize my thoughts on the season. I wrote a few closing thoughts on them as a way to send off the season. I’ll be continuing to post screencaps for the upcoming fall season though, so follow my blogs if you’d like to stay up to date on those!

Aldnoah Zero

Aldnoah Zero Seylum Inaho Kiss Continue reading

Summer 2013 Anime Season Wrap Up (Part 3)

Now that the Summer anime season as officially ended, I’ve been able to check off the rest of my summer series from my list.Overall, I found this season to be pretty enjoyable with most of the shows I watched being quite entertaining and well executed. I decided to leave Gatchaman Crowds, Chronicles of the Going Home Club, and Hyperdimension Neptunia out of my write up because I didn’t have many comments on the show since I didn’t follow the show that closely or didn’t understand their references and connections to the source (Neptunia). With that said, I thought that the music from the summer season was one of the best I’ve heard in a while. I added a lot of new songs to my playlist based on the OP and EDs from this season (Gatchaman, Fate Illya, Genshiken, Gin no Saji to name a few). Anyways here are my last thoughts about the summer anime season!

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen (World God Only Knows: Goddesses)

I was a bit confused how they would manage to fit the entire arc into only 12 episodes when they didn’t even encounter several key characters in the previous seasons. I was quite surprised at how well it turned out even though they apparently cut out quite a bit from the source material. Rather than being more “repetitive” like the previous seasons with capture arc after capture arc, Goddesses revisits Keima’s past conquers and manages to develop all of their characters even deeper. It not only developed the girls’ characters but Keima also underwent major development. No longer treating life like a game, he realizes that his actions have repercussions and starts to look at life differently. This was probably one of my favourites for the season. Continue reading