Summer 2014 Anime Screencaps

To wrap up the summer anime season, I did one big post to summarize my thoughts on the season. I wrote a few closing thoughts on them as a way to send off the season. I’ll be continuing to post screencaps for the upcoming fall season though, so follow my blogs if you’d like to stay up to date on those!

Aldnoah Zero

Aldnoah Zero Seylum Inaho Kiss Continue reading

Winter 2014 Anime Season – First Impressions

First of all, I hope everyone had a great New Years (about a week late now). I’ve been a bit busy prepping for school and setting up my new site the past few weeks. In addition most Fall anime series have either ended or went on break which resulted in a lack of material for me to post about. Anyways, with that said, I thought I would do a quick first impressions for the winter 2014 anime season so far based on the first episodes for these series. It’s still far too early for any sort of concrete opinion but I figured I might as well share some of my thoughts. I’ll still be continuing to do a weekly write up on the winter 2014 anime series but it’ll be posted on the new website!

hamatora episode 1

Hamatora – When I first saw this episode, my initial thoughts were that this anime is gorgeous. The character designs were somewhat unique, and the colours were so bright and vibrant. As for the rest of the episode, I found the plot of having an organization take in requests for help to be interesting (even though it’s been done many times). We really learn much about the characters but that is to be expected since its only the first episode. I did find some parts a little strange, like where Nice is questioning the college girls and they don’t seem to be too concerned about their friend’s disappearance and the way they drop hints is a little too obvious with them visually showing the words. I think Hamatora has potential to be a great series if it ends up being a two-cour so they can properly develop the characters so we can develop some kind of emotional connection. I’m hoping that they also have a clear direction for the story rather than doing episodic story lines and arcs that don’t connect in the end. Continue reading